Shito Ryu Karate Do Kyoju Yoku

(Essential Curriculum)

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Te Ashi Kakubu no Meisho (Hand and Foot Weapons)

1. Dai Ken To First large knuckles (MCPs or metacarpophalangeal joints) where the fingers meet the palm
2. Sho Ken To Second knuckles (PIPs or proximal interphalangeal joints) of the fingers
3. Kentsui Hammerfist
4. Uraken Backfist
5. Nukite Spearhand
6. Shuto Sword (knife) hand
7. Shotei Palm heel
8. Ippon Ken One knuckle, one point fist
9. Shuho "Mountain hand" (back two knuckles of a peaked hand)
10. Urashuto Inverted sword hand (ridge hand)
11. Yubi Hasami Thumb and forefinger scissors
12. Hira Basami Full hand scissors
13. Kote Back of hand/forearm
14. Koken Wrist
15. Hiji Elbow
16. Hiza Knee
17. Koshu Back of heel
18. Soko Instep
19. Josokute Ball of foot
20. Kasokute Heel
21. Sokuto Outer edge of foot

Tachi Kata (Stances)

1. Heisoku Dachi Feet together, close-toed stance
2. Musubi Dachi Feet together, open-toed stance
3. Namiheiko Dachi Parallel stance (feet shoulder width, toes straight)
4. Uchihachiji Dachi Inner figure eight stance (feet shoulder width, toes inward)
5. Sotohachiji Dachi Outer figure eight stance (feet shoulder width, toes outward)
6. Shiko Dachi Sumo (side facing, square) stance
7. Heiko Dachi Forward parallel stance (feet natural walking distance apart)
8. Zenkutsu Dachi Forward (bent leg) stance
9. Kokutsu Dachi Back (bent leg) stance
10. Nekoashi Dachi Cat foot stance
11. Renoji Dachi Katakana figure "Re" stance (feet in a tilted "V" position)
12. Kosa Dachi Crossed leg stance

Tsuki Kata (Thrusts)

1. Seiken Tsuki Standard forefist thrust (first two knuckles)
2. Tateken Tsuki Vertical forefist thrust
3. Uraken Tsuki Inverted (fist turned 180 degrees) forefist thrust
4. Hiraken Tsuki Four knuckle thrust (leopard punch)
5. Morote Tsuki Two arm, two level thrust (top: jodan seiken, bottom: chudan uraken)
6. Age Tsuki Rising thrust (upper cut)
7. Furi Tsuki Round house thrust
8. Wa Zsuki Two arm, horizontal circle thrust
9. Ipponken One knuckle (one point) thrust
10. Nukite Spear hand

Uchi Kata (Strikes)

1. Shuto Uchi Sword hand (knife edge) strike
2. Kentsui Uchi Bottom fist strike (hammer fist)
3. Uraken Uchi Back knuckle strike
4. Urashuto Inverted sword hand (ridge hand)
5. Shuho Mountain hand (back knuckles of a peaked hand)
6. Hijiate Elbow smash

Keri Kata (Kicks)

1. Soko Geri Instep kick
2. Chudan Geri Ball of foot forward, middle area kick
3. Jodan Geri Ball of foot forward, upper area kick
4. Hiza Geri Knee kick
5. Fumioroshi Toe stomping kick
6. Sokuto Geri Side, knife edge, lower area (knee level) kick
7. Yoko Geri Side, knife edge, middle area kick
8. Mawashi Geri Roundhouse, instep, middle area kick
9. Koshu Geri Heel back rising kick
10. Hizagaeshi Knee sweeping across kick

Uke Kata - Jodan (Blocks - Upper level)

1. Age Uke Rising block
2. Uchi Uke Forearm inward block
3. Uchiotoshi Inside out circle forearm drop block
4. Yoko Barai Forearm outward side parry
5. Wa Uke Two arm circle (roof) block
6. Tsuki Uke Thrust block
7. Kosa Uke

Crossed arms block (a. closed hands, palms toward front or b. open hands, palms toward sides away from each other)

8. Kote Uke Back of hand block
9. Sashite Inward sweeping palm block at face level
10. Kara Uke Side stepping with a slipping or ducking action
11. Ko Uke Wrist block
12. Kuri Uke Inside out, circular deflection with outer edge of hand

Uke Kata - Chudan (Blocks - Middle level)

1. Yoko Uke Forearm outward side block
2. Harai Uke Middle area downward parry
3. Wa Uke Two arm circular block
4. Kosa Uke Crossed arms block (palms downward)
5. Ninoude Back of forearm (hirakote) inward block
6. Shotei Uke Palm heel block
7. Gassho Uke Praying hands block
8. Ura Uke Inverted block (small circle with wrist)
9. Kensasae Uke Two hand outward block, open-hand support at fist
10. Kakete Hooking hand block
11. Hiji Uke Elbow block
12. Oura Uke Large circle inverted forearm block
13. Uchi Uke Forearm inward block
14. Yoko Barai Forearm outward side parry
15. Uke Nagashi Inward palm sweeping block
16. Kote Uke Back of hand block
17. Ko Uke Wrist block
18. Sukui Uke Scooping block
19. Shuto Uke Sword hand block
20. Hijisasae Uke Two hand outward block, closed fist at elbow
21. Hirayuki Two hand knife-edge out block
22. Kakiwake Wedge block
23. Tsukidome Withdrawing forearm block (after thrust)

Uke Kata - Gedan (Blocks - Lower level)

1. Harai Uke Downward parry (Gedan Barai when in Zenkutsu or Kokutsu dachi)
2. Shuto Barai Sword hand parry
3. Ryotesukui Uke Two hand scooping block (palms up)
4. Katate Sukui Uke One hand scooping block (palm down or to the side)
5. Furisute Scoop and throw block
6. Wa Uke Two arm circular block
7. Sukuidome Scoop and catch block
8. Kosa Uke Crossed arms block
9. Hizagaeshi Knee-sweeping-across to parry or block

Shito Ryu Special Exercises

1. Tenshin Happo Eight Directions of Movement
2. Hiji ate Goho Five Direction Elbow Strike Exercise
3. Tenpogosoku no Ho Five Methods of Body Shifting
Deashi stepping straight in
Hikiashi stepping straight back
Yoriashi shuffling
Mawariashi spinning
Tobiashi jumping/springing
4. Uke no Gogen ri Five Methods of Defense
Rakka moving (redirecting) downward
Rysui flowing around
Kusshin flexibility, expansion - contraction
Teni body shifting
Hangeki defending with a counterattack
5. Kumite Engaging techniques with a partner
a. Kihon Kumite (Basic Kumite)
Ippon Single attack, one step
Nihon Two predefined attacks, one step
Sanbon Three predefined attacks, one step
Hukushiki Walking (multiple steps) attacks and defense
b. Kumite Kata (Practicing bunkai applications of kata)
c. Oyo Kumite (Application Kumite)
Hokei Four attackers
Mawari Circle of attackers
Jiyu Ippon Free style, one step
Jiyu Free style

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